Pricing Policy

Effective Date: 2nd February 2024


EmbedTech Solutions is committed to delivering high-quality software and services that meet the evolving needs of our customers. Our pricing policy is designed to provide transparency, value, and flexibility, ensuring that our solutions are accessible and beneficial to businesses of all sizes. This policy incorporates both Cost-Plus Pricing and License-Based Pricing strategies to accommodate a wide range of customer needs and preferences.

Cost-Plus Pricing Model


To ensure that all products and services offered by EmbedTech Solutions are priced transparently, reflecting both the cost of production and a reasonable profit margin to sustain our innovation and customer support efforts.


  • Total Cost Calculation: For each product or service, EmbedTech Solutions will calculate the total cost, including fixed costs (such as salaries and rent) and variable costs (such as software development tools, server costs, and third-party services).
  • Markup Determination: A standard markup percentage will be applied to the total cost to determine the selling price. This markup will be set to ensure competitiveness while also securing a profit margin that supports our growth and development goals.
  • Review and Adjustment: Prices will be periodically reviewed and adjusted based on changes in costs, market demand, and the competitive landscape to ensure they remain relevant and competitive.

License-Based Pricing Model


To offer customers flexibility and choice in how they access and use EmbedTech Solutions’ software products through various licensing options tailored to different needs and budgets.

License Options

  • Perpetual License: Customers can purchase a one-time license allowing indefinite use of the software. This option is suitable for customers seeking long-term solutions without recurring fees.
  • Term License: Offers a renewable license for a specified period, providing flexibility for short-term projects or changing needs.
  • User-Based Licensing: Pricing varies according to the number of users or seats, allowing businesses to scale their use according to team size.
  • Feature-Based Licensing: Different versions of the software, each including a specific set of features, are available at varied price points to cater to different customer requirements.

Additional Terms

  • Maintenance and Support: Optional maintenance and support packages are available for an additional fee, providing access to updates, enhancements, and technical support.
  • Customization: Customized solutions can be developed to meet specific customer needs, priced based on the scope of customization and the cost-plus pricing model.

General Terms

  • Pricing Transparency: EmbedTech Solutions will provide detailed pricing breakdowns upon request, including the basis for cost calculations and any applicable markups.
  • Custom Quotes: For large enterprises or unique projects, custom quotes can be provided, taking into consideration specific requirements, project scope, and pricing models.
  • Adjustments and Notifications: Prices are subject to change based on market conditions and cost variations. Customers will be notified of any pricing adjustments in accordance with our communication policy.


EmbedTech Solutions is dedicated to providing exceptional value through our software products and services. Our pricing policy is designed to be fair, competitive, and transparent, ensuring that customers can confidently choose the best solutions for their needs. For any inquiries or further information regarding our pricing policy, please contact our sales or customer service teams.